New student registration form

  1. All fees are payable in advance of the classes. Debit orders are processed 1-7th of each month. Written cancellation must be given to terminate a debit order. A full calendar months notice is necessary to cancel the debit order.
  2. Cash payment is only available on six month advance payment. There is a 5% discount for six month advance payment and 10% discount for twelve month advance payment.
  3. Notice of increase in membership fees shall be given in writing 30 days in advance.
  4. Classes will continue throughout school holidays. No classes will be held on public holidays.
  5. Non-attendance of classes during the year due to member’s illness, vacations or exams will not justify the reduction or cancellation of any fees. The only exception is injury caused during the member’s participation in class – advance notice must be given to the administrator or there will be no reduction or cancellation of any fees. This will be strictly adhered to.
  6. One month written notice is required for the discontinuation of class attendance. Written notice must be given by the member on the 1st day of the month.
  7. All grading, seminar, workshops and camp fees must be made by the members before the grading seminar, workshops and camps.
  8. Regular attendance is required and is essential for the progress of the member. Members missing too many classes will not be allowed to grade to the next level. Members unable to attend class are expected to excuse themselves from the class in advance.
The Chinese Martial Arts & Health Centre closes on or around the 15th December until second week of January. Although the school is closed, full fees apply for the December month as monthly fees are calculated over a 12 month period. Members shall be advised of year end closing and opening times 30 days in advance.
This agreement was fully completed and the information contained herein is true and correct. The Centre reserves the right to
cancel the agreement if the information supplied is found to be incorrect and/or false.

The member is physically and medically fit to proceed with the normal routine of exercise and acknowledges that the Centre
will not be held responsible for any injury or loss suffered by the member, whether through a positive act or omission, be it in
the form of negligence or intention on the part of the Centre, its employees, and/or its members, excluding gross negligence or
malicious intent, whether it be at the premises, or at another location while conducting activities associated with the Centre.
The member acknowledges and understands the physical nature of the activities within the Centre, which includes both
physical sparring and rigorous exercise, both at the premises of the Centre and any other location, and consents to physical
contact and possible harm or injury arising out of the normal course of activities of the Centre, regardless of whether such
contact, harm, or injury arises out of the conduct of the Centre, its employees, or its members.
The member acknowledges that they have a responsibility to notify the Centre, or the member’s instructor at the Centre, if they
experience any discomfort or pain arising out of the activities carried out in the Centre, and that the member holds a duty to
rectify or treat such condition/pain/discomfort independently, and cannot implicate or hold liable in any way or form the
Centre, its employees, and/or its members, unless such condition/pain/discomfort arose out of gross negligence or malicious
intent on the part of the Centre, its employees, and/or its members.
In the event of the member being a minor, the legal guardian assisting him/her herein, consents that the minor is bound by the
terms of the agreement and indemnifies the Centre, its employees, and its members to the extent that such minor is not
capable of waiving his/her rights.

This agreement contains all the terms and condition of the agreement between the parties and no representation, addition,
variation or cancellation of this agreement shall be of any force and effect unless reduced to writing and signed by all parties.
The member acknowledges that they read this entire agreement, inclusive of the further terms and conditions and rules and
regulations contained on the overleaf and agrees to be bound thereby